Please find below all the latest product and project news. Click on the link to view the complete release and click on an image to view larger versions.

28th November 2019 - Andrew Pettingale – MD of BG Europa talks about a highly technological solution for long-term storage of asphalt from Astec… Having a clear market vision is anything but simple, especially at a time when trends and responses are rapidly changing. The evolution of market demand requires an increasing flexibility with how asphalt mix is produced and also stored, based...
22nd March 2018 - Recycled asphalt (RAP) is a particularly valuable material to the asphalt production industry and its value will continue to increase as the cost of virgin aggregate and bitumen rise. Producers who can supply high quality mixes with RAP with minimum energy usage and minimum environmental impact will be best prepared to compete in future markets. Producers must understand that RAP is not...
22nd March 2018 - Once again BG Europa will exhibit at the forthcoming exhibition at the Hillhead Quarry which will be held on June 26-28th. BG Europa (UK) Ltd are a family owned business who aim to provide customers with quality equipment that offers low operational costs and long-life expectancy at competitive prices. The importance placed on in-house engineering expertise allows the company to provide...
24th November 2016 - A system for controlling blue smoke from Hot Mix Asphalt facilities is now available through BG Europa the UK agents for Astec Inc. The ASTEC® Fibrebed Mist Collector allows fugitive emissions to be collected and the oils contained condensed for recycling. Fibrebed mist collectors operate similarly to a particulate baghouse. A damper or a variable frequency drive is used to regulate...